Board of Adjustment

Established in accordance with Title 22, Chapter 3 of the Delaware Code and Section 220-82 of the Town of Milton
Municipal Code, as amended.

The Board of Adjustment consists of five members who are residents of the town and have knowledge of the problems of urban and rural development. The members of the Board of Adjustment may not be members of the legislative body or employees of the town. The Mayor appoints members of the Board. They are confirmed by a majority vote of the members of Council.

The current members and terms of the Board of Adjustments are as follows:

  • Steve Crawford, Chair – Term Expires: April 2025
  • William Byrnes, Jr., Secretary – Term Expires: April 2027
  • Brian Rosenfeld- Term Expires April 2025
  • Jerry Hudson– Term Expires April 2026
  • Robert Gray – Term Expires: April 2027

The powers and duties of the Board of Adjustment are described in Section 220-83 of the Town of Milton Municipal Code. Specifically, the Board will hear and decide appeals of any order, requirement, decision or interpretation made by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Board may grant area variances for properties. Variances will take into consideration the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. The fee for a variance application is $400.

Meetings of the Board of Adjustment are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7pm. Meetings may be cancelled if there are no items on the agenda for the meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting notices are posted on the town web site and the bulletin board at 101 Federal Street.
All appeals and applications to the Board of Adjustments must be made in writing. The forms and applicable fees may be found at Town Hall. Every appeal must reference the applicable provision and chapter within the Town of Milton Municipal Code. The procedure for appeals is detailed in Section 220-84 of the Code. For more information, please contact Town Hall 302-684-4110:

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