Information Session: Water System Improvements
05/21/2018 at 06:00 PM
Location: Milton Library
Address: 121 Union Street
Milton, DE 19968
2018 Water System Improvements and Information Sessions for Referendum
In 2015, the Town of Milton received a Drinking Water Planning Grant to map and model the water system, and develop a report of water system improvements to increase resilience, fire flow, and the ability to operate during and after a large storm event.
After completion of the mapping and modeling of the water system, scenarios were conducted in the water model. The following water system improvements were the results and recommendations of the water system model:
- Install the Wagamons water main extension
- Install a new well and treatment facility
- Build a new storage facility
- Replace failing water mains, along
- Atlantic Avenue / Bay Avenue
- Chestnut Street
- Route 16, Atlantic Street, and Orchard / Union Streets
- Improve low flow hydrants
With much consideration of the Drinking Water Planning Grant report and recommendations, all projects were submitted to Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Environmental Finance section and Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health (DHSS) for review and placement on the State of Delaware, Drinking Water Project Priority List (PPL). All Milton projects were ranked and the Town selected two immediate projects, which were the Wagamons water main extension and the Shipbuilders well and treatment facility.
During the Town Council meeting on November 6, 2017, Mayor and Town Council members voted to move forward with two projects: Wagamons water main extension and the Shipbuilders well and treatment facility. Town of Milton staff and engineers prepared applications for both projects. Cost estimates for both projects total $895,000; Wagamons water main extension is estimated at $395,000 and Shipbuilders well and treatment facility is estimated at $500,000. In December 2017, applications for funding were submitted to DNREC and DHSS for loan consideration through the State of Delaware, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. After DNREC and DHSS review, the Water Infrastructure Advisory Council voted to approve a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund binding loan commitment for both projects. The loan terms are $895,000 principal, 2% interest, payable over 20 years.
In accordance with Town Charter, Section 33, Town Council by Resolution shall propose to the residents and property owners of the Town that the Mayor and Town Council propose to borrow a certain sum of money. The Resolution shall state the amount of money desired to be borrowed, the purpose for which it is desired, the manner of securing the same, and all other pertinent facts relating to the loan which are deemed pertinent by the Mayor and Town Council and in their possession at the time of the passage of the resolution and shall fix a time and place for a hearing on the said resolution. Following the public hearing, a second resolution shall then be passed by the Mayor and Town Council ordering a special referendum to be held not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the said public hearing to borrow the said money, the said special referendum to be for the purpose of voting for or against the proposed loan. The passing of the second resolution calling a special referendum shall ipso facto be considered the determination of the Mayor and Town Council to proceed with the matter in issue. Select the following link to view the Resolution on scheduling a public hearing: Resolution 2018-007 to propose borrowing funds to finance water improvements and schedule public hearing
Borrowing $895,000 will result in approximately an $8.50 per unit, per quarter debt service fee; both projects together will cost each water unit $2.75 per month for the life of the loan.
A presentation was made at the Town Council meeting on May 7, 2018, at 6:30pm, in the Milton Library. The Town Council public hearing on the borrowing of $895,000 will take place on Monday, June 4, 2018, at 6:30pm in the Milton Library.
Town Manager Kristy Rogers, and Public Works Supervisor Greg Wingo, are hosting four information sessions prior to the June 4th Town Council public hearing. To follow are the session dates/times:
- Thursday, May 10, 4:00pm in the Milton Library
- Tuesday, May 15, 10:30am in the Milton Library
- Monday, May 21, 6:00pm in the Milton Library
- Saturday, June 2, 11:00am in the Milton Library
Please consider attending an information session to receive project and borrowing facts.
As always, contact Kristy Rogers or Greg Wingo with any questions or concerns.