March 12, 2025- Front Street will be closed from Federal Street to Walnut Street while the Milton Fire Department completes fire hose testing. More Info

2021 Municipal Election Notice

Date Posted: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021



Inspector: Larry Savage of 521 Mulberry Street, Milton, Delaware
Alternate Inspector: Robert H. Frazier of 227 Summerwalk Blvd., Milton, Delaware
Judge: Helen Camenisch of 302 Chestnut Street, Milton, Delaware
Judge: Karen Young of 105 Mill Pond Ave., Milton, Delaware
Judge: Neil Sands, 111 Mill Pond Avenue, Milton, Delaware
Judge: Fred Harvey, 401 Mulberry Street, Milton, Delaware
Alternate Judge: Pamela Batten, 601 Bennett Street, Milton, Delaware
Alternate Judge: Ellen Lytton, 310 Valley Road, Milton, Delaware



The Town of Milton will hold an election to fill two seats of Town Council on Saturday, March 6,
2021. The election will be held at Goshen Hall, 116 Federal Street, Milton, Delaware, between the
hours of 8am and 6pm.

Town Council member candidates running for a 3 year term:

John R. Collier
Lee Revis-Plank
Allen T. Sangree
Emory R. West Jr.


By reference, Town Charter Section 7(h)(3) incorporates 15 Del. C. 7554, which states: Persons
appearing to vote shall present proof of identity and address. The identification shall be 1 or more of
the following items that individually or together show the identity and address of the person:
A current State of Delaware driver’s license or ID card; A uniformed service ID card; Another current
photo ID issued by the State of Delaware; U.S. Government; the voter’s employer, high school or
higher education institution; A current utility bill, bank statement, credit card statement, a paycheck or
pay advice, or another type of bill or statement; A lease or sales agreement; and/or Any other
documentation that a person can reasonably and commonly accept as proof of identity and address.
Personal recognition by a majority of the Election Officers in the polling place can attest to a voter’s
identity and address.

A registered voter that is unable to come to the election polls on the day of the election must complete
an affidavit prior to receiving an absentee ballot. The completed affidavit must be received in Town
Hall by noon on Friday, March 5, 2021.
Absentee ballots can be mailed to registered voters, who have completed an affidavit through February
26, 2021. If the registered voter needs the ballot after February 26, 2021, they must come to Town Hall
and pick up the ballot. All absentee ballots must be received by the Board of Elections by the close of
the election polls at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 6, 2021.