9/16/2024- Water line repairs will occur this afternoon on Lavinia Street to repair a water leak. Traffic will be reduced to one lane during this time. Please use caution when in the area. More Info

Police Department

To report a NON-EMERGENCY: (302) 684-8547


The Milton Police Department’s administrative team is directly supervised by the Chief of Police, Derrick Harvey

Public Information Office

The Milton Police Department recognizes the right of the public to be fully and accurately informed in all matters of public safety and is aware that the news media is responsible for providing this information to the public. Our goal is to maintain a relationship with the members of the news media that is based upon trust, cooperation and mutual interest. To accomplish this goal, the department provides complete and accurate information, within legal and investigatory limits, to all accredited media representatives.

The Public Information Office is responsible for coordinating the News Release information to the media representatives. When information cannot be released, due to legal and/or investigative reasons, they make every effort to provide the media with the requested information as soon as it becomes available.


Contact Us:
Derrick Harvey, Chief of Police
101 Federal Street
Milton, DE 19968
(302) 684-8547 phone
(302) 684-8046 fax


Please Note: Do not contact us via email for an Emergency, as email may not be checked for up to 72 hours.

Code of Ethics

As a Law Enforcement Officer, My fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities of friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill-will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will constantly strive to achieve the objective and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession, Law Enforcement.


To view programs of the Milton Police Department, click here.


To view information on employment with the Milton Police Department, click here.

Law Enforcement Links

To view information from other law enforcement sites, click here.