9/16/2024- Water line repairs will occur this afternoon on Lavinia Street to repair a water leak. Traffic will be reduced to one lane during this time. Please use caution when in the area. More Info

Parks & Recreation

One of the Town of Milton’s greatest assets is its beautiful parks. With the help of the Public Works Department and its partners in the Milton Garden Club, Milton Memorial Park, Mill Park, Governors Walk and our other open public places are kept mowed and clean.

The State of Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife maintains the two boat launching ramps and three parking areas in the Town of Milton. The construction and maintenance of these ramps, docks and attached parking areas is funded through fishing and boat licenses, as well as excise taxes on sporting equipment and fuel sold at docks. As such, the use of these facilities may be limited to licensed boats and anglers.

The Gazebo in Memorial Park and the grounds in Mill Park are often requested for use by private parties for picnics, birthday celebrations and weddings. A Reservation form can be found on the Forms page.

The six slips in the boat dock area are reserved for owners with a lease agreement and current payment, only. Mooring without a permit will result in towing at the owner’s expense. To secure your place in the water in Milton’s Memorial Park, please complete the lease agreement and submit payment and supporting documents to Town Hall at 115 Federal Street, from 8:30 am until 5pm, Monday through Friday. The lease agreement may also be found on the Forms page.