9/16/2024- Water line repairs will occur this afternoon on Lavinia Street to repair a water leak. Traffic will be reduced to one lane during this time. Please use caution when in the area. More Info

Public Works Department

The Water Department supplies drinking water to approximately 2600 residents, town businesses, and its visitors. The Department is required to make sure that the water meets all the standards set forth by the Delaware Office of Drinking Water and Environmental Protection Agency.  The Department’s primary goal is to provide clean, safe drinking water at all times. An additional benefit of this consistent supply is the ability to provide water, at pressure, for use in fire protection.

The hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., from Monday through Friday. For Water Emergencies, contact Milton’s on-call employee at (302) 462-1775.

If you choose to have your irrigation metered separately please contact Town Hall at 302-684-4110. Usage going through an irrigation meter will not be charged to your waste water bill.

The Public Works Department is also responsible for maintaining the streets within the municipality. There are 15.48 miles of municipally-owned streets in the Town of Milton – in addition to several miles of roads that are maintained by the State of Delaware Department of Transportation. Responsibilities of the Streets Department include snow plowing, removing debris or limbs hanging over or in the streets, and assisting contractors with the repair of street surfaces.

One of the Town of Milton’s greatest assets is its beautiful parks. With the help of the Public Works Department and its partners in the Milton Garden Club, Milton Memorial Park, Mill Park, Governors Walk and our other open public places are kept planted, mowed and clean.

The State of Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife maintains the two boat launching ramps and three parking areas in the Town of Milton. The construction and maintenance of these ramps, docks and attached parking areas is funded through fishing and boat licenses, as well as excise taxes on sporting equipment and fuel sold at docks. As such, the use of these facilities may be limited to licensed boats and anglers.

James “Jimmy” Kersey, Water Superintendent, jkersey@ci.milton.de.us

Daniel Donaway, Maintenance & Recreation Superintendent ddonaway@ci.milton.de.us

John Koerkel, Public Works Crew Leader
Eric Darby, Public Works Operator II
Joseph Brittian, Public Works Operator I
Aaron Franqui, Public Works Operator I

Jeremy West, Public Works Opertator III


Public Services not provided by the Town of Milton
Electric power is provided by Delmarva Power & Light.
Wastewater services are provided by Artesian.





Refer the to newly revised 2022 Construction Manual for Standard Specifications and Details for the planning, design, construction and acceptance of drinking water systems, wastewater systems, storm water systems, and streets constructed within the Town of Milton: 2022-01 Milton Standards and Specifications (Construction Manual) These Standard Specifications are to be used in conjunction with applicable Town Code Chapters.


The Town of Milton operates a system of water main and service lines to bring safe and clean drinking water to each home and business within the town limits. The water is produced from three active wells and treated with chlorine and fluoride at one plant. Storage in two water towers provides reserve capacity, pressure for the entire system and fire suppression capability. In order to continue providing reliable service, plans for maintenance, emergencies and growth must be made.

In 2012, an update to the 2008 Water Facilities Plan was reviewed. This review shall serve as a reference when making decisions related to capital improvements.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control regulates the quantity of water that is taken from aquifers. If an effort to better manage this limited resource, the Division of Water receives reports of daily drinking water well production. The Division has established a conservation goal of public water systems using an average that does not exceed 100 gallons, per person per day for all types of use and water loss events.

In 2012, the Town of Milton embarked on an ambitious plan to reduce consumption to meet this goal. This goal was met in April 2013. The overall plan and the step-by-step “march” towards this milestone achievement are detail in the “Plan” below – and the Water Utility Periodic Reports.

The first quarter 2013 water meter reading revealed that the Town of Milton has achieved its Water Conservation Goal! Read the report that follows: