9/16/2024- Water line repairs will occur this afternoon on Lavinia Street to repair a water leak. Traffic will be reduced to one lane during this time. Please use caution when in the area. More Info

Town Council Public Hearing on Resolution 2023-022 to Propose Borrowing of up to $6,214,000 to Finance Public Water System Improvements and to order the Referendum to be Scheduled

Date Posted: Friday, November 17th, 2023



Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Milton will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 4, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at the Milton Library, 121 Union Street, Milton, Delaware on Resolution 2023-022, to propose borrowing of up to $6,214,000 to finance public water system improvements and to order the referendum to be scheduled.

The purpose of said referendum is for the Town to borrow funding for Water Main Replacement under Carey Street, Walnut Street, Magnolia Street, Mill Street, and Bay Avenue ($1,785,000); and Chandler Street Water Treatment Facility Improvements ($579,000); and Federal Street Water Tower ($3,850,000), from the State of Delaware. Terms of such loans are an interest rate of 2% and a 20-year term. The source of funding is the State of Delaware Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

Resolution 2023-022 can be viewed at Milton Town Hall or on the town’s website: Resolution 2023-022 TO PROPOSE BORROWING OF UP TO $6,214,000

All interested parties are invited to attend in-person or virtually, and comment on this item.  If unable to attend this public hearing, written comments will be accepted at Town Hall until 4:00 pm on December 4, 2023.  Said hearing may be adjourned without further notice.  If there are any questions, please contact Town Hall at (302) 684-4110.