Snow Removal and Ice Control; Reminder to clear snow and ice from sidewalks

Date Posted: Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

The purpose of this post is to communicate the process and level of service for snow removal and ice control for the Town of Milton.

The Town Maintenance Department is responsible for snow removal and ice control on municipally owned streets and sidewalks. It’s our goal to remove snow and ice from streets and sidewalks as safely and efficiently as possible, all while keeping roads open for essential travel. To assist in the snow removal process, please make best efforts to not park on streets once snow fall begins so that there is ample space for snow plows to clear the area safely.

Delaware Department of Transportation (DELDOT) is responsible for snow removal on State streets, which are Federal, Union, and Mulberry Streets, as well as a portion of Front, Chestnut, and Atlantic Streets.

When snow removal begins in Milton, primary streets, defined as streets that have ingress and egress points on the above mentioned State streets, are cleared first.  After primary streets are passable, secondary streets are cleared, then followed by streets within subdivisions. Snow and ice removal on any privately owned street, alley, and lane are not the responsibility of the Town.

It’s important to note that snow removal doesn’t mean pavement will be totally clear of snow, but rather in a safe and passable condition. Parking in your driveway and not on the street allows for snow plows to clear streets in a more efficient manner.

Once all streets are passable, the Maintenance Department will then begin to clear snow and ice from municipally owned sidewalks.

For the safety of pedestrians, snow and ice must be removed from sidewalks in the public right-of-way within 24 hours after snow ceases.  When removing snow from the sidewalks, do not push or throw the snow or ice into the streets. We ask that sidewalks be cleared to the width of the sidewalk or no less than a width of 3-feet for the safety of all.

We appreciate your time, efforts, and patience.

snowy sidewalk

§ 183-54. Responsibility for removal of snow.

It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any premises in the Town of Milton, in front or by the side of which shall be a sidewalk, to permit or allow any snowfall exceeding two inches to remain thereon for a longer period than 24 hours after it shall have ceased snowing. If the Town removes the same for public safety purposes, as determined by the Town Manager or designee, in addition to the applicable fine, the cost or value of removing the same, whichever is greater, shall be recovered from the persons jointly and severally responsible for the same.

§ 183-55. Snow not to be thrown onto street or road.

It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any premises in the Town of Milton to permit or allow snow to be pushed or thrown onto any street or road in the Town of Milton. If the Town removes the same for public safety purposes, as determined by the Town Manager or designee, in addition to the applicable fine, the cost or value of removing the same, whichever is greater, shall be recovered from the persons responsible for the same.

§ 183-56. Violations and penalties.

Any person violating any provision of this article shall be subject to such penalties and pay such fines as set forth in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.

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