Due to the July 4th Holiday, Yard Waste pickup will be on Friday, July 5th. Trash collection will remain on the regular scheduled day, Wednesday, July 3rd . More Info

The Plastic Grocery Bag Plague

 Plastic Grocery Bags are everywhere because they are cheap and convenient:

  • 130 bags per person per year
  • 1 trillion used worldwide last year
  • overused because they are inexpensive and treated as having no value

A huge problem for the environment:

  • pollute our landscapes and roadsides
  • not biodegradable
  • choking our landfills
  • kill birds and small mammals on land
  • pollute the oceans
    • 300 Million end up in the Atlantic each year
    • 8 Million tons of plastic pollute the oceans each year
    • more plastic than plankton in the world’s oceans
    • They Kill all manner of life in the ocean including porpoises
  • virtually no market for recycled bags
  • they can’t be placed in Delaware recycle containers

What can we do:

  • Stop using plastic shopping bags
    • Carry our own cloth bags and refuse the store plastic bags
    • Ask for paper instead of plastic
  • Return plastic bags to the stores that provide them. (In Milton, Food Lion provides a container to return them.)
  • Reuse bags before discarding them.
  • Lobby for a ban on plastic bags (Other countries and California have done it)
  • Pick up plastic litter before it harms the environment and wildlife.


We are encouraging Milton to reduce its use of Plastic Bags.  The benefit to Milton will be less litter, a cleaner River and a more attractive town.