Board of Elections
The Charter of the Town of Milton provides for the establishment of a Board of Elections for both Municipal Elections and for Special Elections, or referendums. The Section 7 (Manner of Holding Annual Municipal Election) of the Charter says:
“The Annual Municipal Election shall be conducted by the Board of Elections consisting of an Inspector, and four (4) Judges all of whom are to be appointed by the Mayor of The Town of Milton (who shall also appoint one (1) alternate inspector and three (3) alternate judges) with the concurrence of a majority of the members of the Town Council, no later than the last regular meeting of the Town Council prior to the date of the Annual Municipal Election. The Board of Elections shall determine who is and who is not lawfully entitled to vote at the Annual Municipal Election, and take steps to see that the law pertaining to the Annual Municipal Election receives compliance and shall count the votes and certify the result to the Town Council. If any of the officers so chosen and designated to conduct the Annual Municipal Election shall not be present at the polling place at the time designated for the holding of the Annual Municipal Election, the alternates shall serve in their stead.”
Section 33 (Power to Borrow Money and Issue Bonds) says:
“The Town Council may borrow money and issue bonds…provided however, that the borrowing of money therefore shall have been authorized for the Town Council in the manner following…The Town of Milton, by and with advice and consent of the majority of the Town Council, shall appoint three (3) persons to act as a Board of Special Election…The Board of Special Election shall count the votes for and against the proposed loan and shall announce the result thereof. ” (please see Charter for complete text).
Municipal Board of Elections
Established in accordance with Title 15, Chapter 75 of the Delaware Code and Section 7 (f) of the Charter of the Town of Milton.
The Board of Elections consists of five persons who are qualified electors within the Town of Milton. An Inspector and four Judges are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority of the members of the Town Council. An Alternate Inspector and an Alternate Judge are appointed in the same manner.
The current members of the Board of Elections are as follows:
- Helen Camenisch, Inspector
- Pam Batten, Alternate Inspector
- Neil Sands, Judge
- Steve Crawford, Judge
- Ellen Lytton, Judge
- Chelsea Astanova, Judge
- William Byrnes, Alternate Judge
- Mary Catherine Hopkins, Alternate Judge
The current Election Officers are as follows:
- Bob Burakiewicz
- George Cardwell
- Jackie Brisco
- Paula Costanzo
- Kelly Pettyjohn
- Lynda Gannon
- Deborah Porth
- Nancy Leidy
The powers and duties of the Board of Elections are described in Title 15, Chapter 75 of the Delaware Code and Section 7(f) of the Charter of the Town of Milton. The Board of Elections is specifically charged with the responsibility of conducting the Annual Municipal Election.
The State of Delaware Department of Elections provides training to the Board of Elections, as requested. The Board of Elections will meet as is necessary for the conduct of the Election. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting notices are posted on the town web site and the bulletin board at 101 Federal Street.
The Inspector shall determine all challenges and all other issues involving the conduct of the election at the Polling Place. For more information, please contact Town Hall.