Charter and Ordinance Review Ad hoc Committee

Formed in 2012, the Charter and Ordinance Review Ad hoc Committee is charged with the task of reviewing the Municipal Code with reference to the Town Charter. Inconsistencies between the two documents, or a perceived short-coming of either, may be resolved by way of a recommendation to Town Council.

The Town Charter is the highest form of law in the Town of Milton. The Charter is an act of the Delaware Legislature that is signed into law by the Governor. Amendments to the Charter may be proposed, from time to time, by the Town Council. A sponsoring Legislator would then introduce a Bill to the appropriate chamber in the State Legislature.

The Municipal Code comes from powers that are vested in the Town Council by way of the Charter.The Municipal Code serves both a regulatory and a policy function. In some cases, changes to federal or state law will require an update to the Municipal Code. Changes in technology, the conduct of business or society may also warrant an amendment to the existing version of the Municipal Code.

The Municipal Code is amended by way of an Ordinance. The Town of Milton most often has a reading of a proposed Ordinance on two subsequent regular Town Council meetings. After two readings, the Ordinance may be passed by a majority of the Town Council.

The Town of Milton utilizes a modern electronic publishing service to inform the public of the content of the Municipal Code and Town Charter in the most timely manner. General Code is the publisher. The service may be accessed at through your Internet browser. A link to this service may also be found through the Town Government tab of the Home Page of the Town of Milton web site.

The Charter and Ordinance Review Ad hoc Committee meets monthly, or as needed. The committee may recommend changes to either the Municipal Code or the Town Charter.

The committee members are:

  • Members will be appointed at a later date