Comprehensive Plan Committee

Title 22, Chapter 7 of the Delaware Code (Municipalities) describes the authority of municipalities to establish a Planning Commission. It further describes the responsibility of municipalities to periodically update the Comprehensive Plan used by the Office of State Planning Coordination. It states:

“At least every 5 years a municipality shall review its adopted comprehensive plan to determine if its provisions are still relevant given changing conditions in the municipality or in the surrounding areas. The adopted comprehensive plan shall be revised, updated and amended as necessary, and readopted at least every 10 years…”

The Mayor and Council may, from time to time, establish a committee for the purposes of coordinating the input of all committees – as an update to the Comprehensive Plan is drafted.

There is not a separate committee tasked with the update of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.   The Planning and Zoning Commission will be preparing the updated Comprehensive Plan for presentation to Town Council.  Currently, public hearings and workshops have been scheduled to gather public comment and to discuss topics most important to Milton.


Milton Comprehensive Plan 2018 – Certified
