Town Council Meeting and Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing

06/05/2017 at 06:30 PM
Location: Milton Library
Address: 121 Union Street
Milton, DE 19968

Agenda: tca-2017-06-05-amended

Minutes: TC MINUTES 06052017

Public Hearing Notice: comp-plan-hearing

Ordinance 2017-003 Historic Preservation Overlay District:ordinance-2017-003-amending-town-code-chapter-220-21-historic-district

Proposed Code Historic Preservation Overlay District: proposed-town-code-220-21-historic-preservation-overlay-district

Ordinance 2016-005 Community Events:ordinance-2016-005-community-events-revised-053117

Ordinance 2017-007 Farmers Market: ordinance-2017-007-farmers-market



Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Milton will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 5, 2017 at 6:30 pm in the Milton Library, 121 Union Street, Milton, Delaware to receive comment on the following:

The 2017 Update to the Town of Milton Comprehensive Plan

The documents are available for public inspection at Town Hall located at 115 Federal Street during the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.  All interested parties are invited to attend and comment on the application. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted at Town Hall, but must be received prior to the public hearing.  Said hearing may be adjourned without prior notice.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kristy Rogers at (302) 684-4110.