Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
03/27/2025 at 04:00 PM
Location: Milton Public Library
Address: 121 Union Street
Milton, DE 19968
The Milton Historic Preservation Commission
Invites Milton Historic District Property Owners to attend:
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program: Tax Benefits for Historic Property Owners
The Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program provides a
State of Delaware income or franchise tax credit
equal to a percentage of the costs of rehabilitation work on historic buildings. The Program is
administered through the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs ( D HCA), and it is the responsibility of
De laware s State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to determine which buildings and structures qualify
for the Program, if the rehabilitation work meets Program guidelines, and if other Program requirements
have been met. Buildings and structures held for income and those which are owner occupied are both
eligible for the Program although the percentage at which the tax credit is calculated is higher for those in
owner occupied residential use.
March 27, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM
The Milton Public Library, 121 Union Street, Milton, DE 19968
The program, followed by a question/answer period, will be presented by:
Kara Briggs
Architectural Historian
Manager Federal State Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
Kara Briggs earned her MA in Urban Affairs and Public Policy with a concentration in Historic Preservation from the University of Delaware, where she also earned certificates in Museum Studies, and Human-Subjects Training. Kara is an Architectural Historian with the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) where she manages the Federal and State Historic Preservation Tax Credit program, is the Certified Local Government Program Coordinator, and leads Section 106 reviews for several Federal agencies. She can be reached at 302-736-7400. Her office is located at 29 North State Street in Dover.