Police Accountability Committee

As enacted and required by the Laws of the State of Delaware, through House Bill 206, and in accordance with Section 15(c) of the Charter, the Town of Milton has created a Police Accountability Committee.

The State mandate requires:  that all police departments, establish either individually or in combination with other departments, police accountability committees or boards to provide advice to departments on policy, training, and other issues relating to or affecting the department and the communities served by the department. The requirement shall recommend that a police
accountability committee or board must include in its membership a religious leader from the community and members of the community who have been impacted directly or are immediate family members or caregivers of those impacted by the juvenile or adult criminal justice system. Non-officer members shall be required, within 1 year of appointment, to complete
20 hours of community training with the departments overseen by the applicable board, which may include ride-alongs or a citizen’s police academy. Additional mandates for membership or structure may be included. Police accountability committees or boards are subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 100 of Title 29.

Members of such committees serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Town Council. Persons being considered for appointment to committees, ad hoc committees and working groups must first complete the Ethics Form (referenced in Appendix C of the Town of Milton Charter). Members of such committees and groups shall not be required to have their primary residence within town.

The current members of the Milton Police Accountability Committee are as follows:

  • Derrick Harvey, Chief of Police
  • Todd Bean
  • Jacqueline “Jackie” Brisco
  • Frank Cafone
  • John Hubbard
  • Bette McGrath

The Milton Police Accountability Committee may not meet on a regular basis. Meeting notices are posted on the town web site and the bulletin board at 101 Federal Street.