Posts Tagged With: “violations”
Snow Removal and Ice Control; Reminder to clear snow and ice from sidewalks
The purpose of this post is to communicate the process and level of service for snow removal and ice control for the Town of Milton. The Town Maintenance Department is responsible for snow removal and ice control on municipally owned streets and sidewalks. It’s our goal to remove snow and ice from streets and sidewalks as safely and efficiently as possible, all while keeping roads open for essential travel. To assist in the snow removal process, please make best efforts to not park on streets once snow fall begins so that there is ample space for snow plows to clear the area safely. Delaware Department of Transportation (DELDOT) is responsible for snow removal on State streets, which are Federal, Union, and Mulberry Streets, as well as a portion of Front, Chestnut, and Atlantic Streets. When snow removal begins in Milton, primary streets, defined as streets that have ingress and egress […]