Yard Waste, Recycle & Trash Pickup
Yard Waste Rules
Yard waste consists of grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, and shrubbery (absolutely no soil or food products). If bagged, it must be in recyclable paper yard waste bags. Yard waste may be cut into no longer than 4-ft lengths, bundled (cotton string only) and placed at the curb for pickup. If yard waste is placed in a trash can, the can must be at the curbside with the lid off (not in a bin). Logs are limited to 30 lbs and 4 inches in diameter. To ensure pickup, yard waste should be put at the curbside the night before pickup day. Yard waste must not be commingled with trash. Plastic bags are not allowed for yard waste pick up. Yard waste that is in plastic bags or that is commingled with trash will not be picked up.
Trash Pick Up Schedule
Please remember that waste can should be placed at curbside the night before pickup. Each resident must move the emptied cans to the rear of their home after trash has been picked-up. The return of can to homes, by our service provider, is not a part of the contracted agreement.
2025 Waste Collection Calendar
Recycling is offered to the Town of Milton through our waste collection program. Explore the following links to view Delaware recycling regulations and guidelines:
How To Recycle Guide 2019 web
Household Hazardous Waste
Plastic Bag Ban