Employment Opportunity: Water Operator

Date Posted: Monday, November 20th, 2023



The Town of Milton is accepting applications for operator positions within the Water Department.

There are job openings immediately available!

A Milton Water Operator is a full-time position that fulfills responsibilities within the Town’s drinking water system. Applicants can review Operator I – 2023, Operator II – 2023, and Operator III – 2023 for requirements and qualifications of the position.

The Town of Milton offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits to include: health, dental, life and vision insurance, State of Delaware-County/Municipal pension, and 12 paid holidays; after a successful probationary period, employees earn 3 weeks of vacation time and sick leave annually. The Employment Application and Job Descriptions are available at Town Hall, as well as our website https://milton.delaware.gov/human-resources/

Interested candidates must complete the Town of Milton Employment Application. Completed applications may be submitted by email to krogers@ci.milton.de.us, or mailed to: Town of Milton, Attn: Town Manager, 115 Federal Street, Milton, DE 19968. Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.

The Town of Milton is an Equal Opportunity Employer.