Invitation to Bid: Front Street Pavement (Federal Street to Chestnut Street)
Date Posted: Tuesday, March 1st, 2022INVITATION TO BID Project 2022-001 The Town of Milton will receive sealed bids in the Office of the Town Manager, 115 Federal Street, Milton, DE 19968, until 10:00a.m. on March 23, 2022, at which time they will be read aloud for the following project: Town of Milton – Front Street Pavement (Federal Street to Chestnut Street) A pre-bid meeting will take place on March 8, 2021, at the Public Works Maintenance Building, 210 Front Street, and beginning at 8:30am. Specifications are posted on the Town of Milton’s website: or can be emailed by written request to . The Town of Milton may extend the time and place for the opening of bids from that described in this Invitation. The Town of Milton reserves the right to waive irregularities, as well as to accept or reject any or all bids. Bid Form Invitation to Bid – Front Street Request […]
Public Notice: ADA Transition Plan
Date Posted: Thursday, February 17th, 2022PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF MILTON, DELAWARE The Town of Milton has drafted a Transition Plan for accessibility in the public right of way in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Town invites the public to become involved in this process through written comments or attendance at Town Council meetings, held the first Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M. at the Milton Library, 121 Union Street, Milton DE, 19968, or as otherwise posted in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. The Mayor has appointed the Town Manager as Coordinator of the Town of Milton ADA Transition Plan for pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way. She can be reached at or by filing a form to be provided at the Town Hall or Town website . To file a complaint, request or offer suggestion regarding accessibility of a sidewalk or curb ramp, contact the ADA […]
2022 Municipal Election Notice
Date Posted: Friday, January 28th, 2022BOARD OF ELECTIONS Inspector: Fred Harvey, 411 Mulberry Street, Milton, Delaware 19968 Alternate Inspector: Pam Batten, 601 Bennett Street., Milton, Delaware 19968 Judge: Karen Young of 105 Mill Pond Ave., Milton, Delaware 19968 Judge: Neil Sands, 111 Mill Pond Avenue, Milton, Delaware 19968 Judge: Helen Camenisch of 302 Chestnut Street, Milton, Delaware 19968 Judge: Ellen Lytton, 310 Valley Road, Milton, Delaware 19968 Alternate Judge: David Burkhart, 218 Lantern Lane, Milton, Delaware 19968 Alternate Judge: William Byrnes, 208 Lantern Lane, Milton, Delaware […]
Milton Press Release Relating to PSC Appeal Settlement
Date Posted: Friday, January 14th, 2022Click here to view the Press Release: Milton Press Release Relating to PSC Appeal Settlement
Press Release related to Delaware Public Service Commission Appeal
Date Posted: Tuesday, December 21st, 2021Click the following link to view the Press Release: Milton Press Release re PSC Appeal
2022 Municipal Election Voter Registration Notice
Date Posted: Wednesday, December 8th, 20212022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 2022 MILTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 116 FRONT STREET, MILTON POLLS OPEN 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM Voter Registration Deadline is Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 5:00p.m. Eligible residents may register at Town Hall Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday, January 22, 2022, and Saturday, January 29, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. until noon. When registering to vote, please refer to the below listed requirements: Every applicant for registration is a qualified voter if the applicant is all of the following: (A) A United States citizen who is at least 18 years old on the day of the election next succeeding the applicant’s registration. (B) A bona fide primary resident of the Town for at least 30 days on the day of the election next succeeding the applicant’s registration; (C) Not adjudged mentally incompetent in a judicial guardianship […]
2022 Municipal Election Solicitation of Candidates – deadline extended to January 5 at 5pm
Date Posted: Wednesday, December 8th, 2021TOWN OF MILTON 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION SOLICITATION OF CANDIDATES THE TOWN OF MILTON IS SOLICITING CANDIDATES FOR THE MARCH 5, 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION. THE OFFICES UP FOR ELECTION ARE AS FOLLOWS: ONE (1) SEAT FOR MAYOR; AND TWO (2) SEATS FOR COUNCILPERSON. EACH SEAT IS FOR A THREE YEAR TERM. CANDIDATE ELIGIBILITY AND DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY Residents who have met the following are eligible to run for office: A citizen of the United States of America, and a primary legal resident of the Town of Milton for the period of at least one year preceding the 2022 Annual Municipal Election; At least twenty-one (21) years of age on or before the date of the election; Non-delinquent in taxes, utilities, or any debt to the Town; Has not been convicted of a felony; Had not been adjudged mentally incompetent; Each of the qualifications for Mayor and for Town Council […]
Employment Opportunity – Code Enforcement Officer I
Date Posted: Wednesday, December 8th, 2021JOB POSTING The Town of Milton is accepting applications through January 7, 2022, for the position of Code Enforcement Officer I. Code Enforcement Officer I is a full-time position that fulfills responsibilities including, but not limited to, performing field inspections, and enforcing Town Code and Town Ordinances and land use laws pertaining to public welfare, safety, public nuisance and property maintenance. The candidate selected for the position must be qualified to achieve certification to access the Delaware Criminal Justice Information System and must communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. The Employment Application and Job Description are available at Town Hall, as well as our website The Town of Milton offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits to include: health, dental, life and vision insurance, State of Delaware-County/Municipal pension, and paid holiday, vacation and sick leave. Interested candidates must complete the Town of Milton Employment Application. Completed […]
2022 Property Value Appeal
Date Posted: Tuesday, November 9th, 2021LEGAL NOTICE The Milton Town Council, sitting as the Board of Appeals, will hear Property Value Appeals on Monday, January 10, 2022, at the Grace Church, 512 Union Street, Milton, DE 19968 at 6:30 p.m. Any taxable person or entity may submit a property value appeal by filing a completed Property Value Appeal Form at Town Hall no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 21, 2021. The application must state the reason or reasons for the appeal. Once such form has been filed, the Town of Milton shall notify the appellant of the date, time, and location of the hearing via certified mail. A current list of the Town of Milton property value assessments may be viewed at Town Hall, 115 Federal Street, Milton, DE 19968, or as linked here: 2021 Assessment Report THE LAW The Delaware Constitution mandates that there be uniformity in tax assessments. There is no requirement, […]
Employment Opportunity – Public Works Operator
Date Posted: Tuesday, October 26th, 2021JOB POSTING PUBLIC WORKS OPERATOR The Town of Milton is accepting applications for the position of Public Works Operator. Public Works Operator is a full-time position that fulfills responsibilities within the Town’s streets and sidewalks, parks, building maintenance, and water system. A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is preferred, or must be obtained during the probationary period. Applicants can review Level I, Level II, and Level III for requirements and qualifications of the position. The Town of Milton offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits to include: health, dental, life and vision insurance, State of Delaware-County/Municipal pension, and paid vacation and sick leave. The Employment Application and Job Descriptions are available at Town Hall, as well as our website Interested candidates must complete the Town of Milton Employment Application. Completed applications may be submitted by email to, or mailed to: Town of Milton, Attn: Town Manager, […]