Posts Tagged With: “Milton”
Snow Removal and Ice Control; Reminder to clear snow and ice from sidewalks
The purpose of this post is to communicate the process and level of service for snow removal and ice control for the Town of Milton. The Town Maintenance Department is responsible for snow removal and ice control on municipally owned streets and sidewalks. It’s our goal to remove snow and ice from streets and sidewalks as safely and efficiently as possible, all while keeping roads open for essential travel. To assist in the snow removal process, please make best efforts to not park on streets once snow fall begins so that there is ample space for snow plows to clear the area safely. Delaware Department of Transportation (DELDOT) is responsible for snow removal on State streets, which are Federal, Union, and Mulberry Streets, as well as a portion of Front, Chestnut, and Atlantic Streets. When snow removal begins in Milton, primary streets, defined as streets that have ingress and egress […]
Winterization Tips and Tricks
From the Desk of the Public Works Supervisor Plumbing Winterization Tips and Tricks Don’t let frozen water pipes leave you out in the cold this winter. Cold weather means frozen water and that could mean busted pipes and other major plumbing headaches and expenses. If a pipe bursts in your home, it could spill several hundred gallons of water per hour. The damage could also be costly. Here are a few tips to get your home ready for the winter season: Inside Your Home: Keep the garage door closed if a bathroom or laundry room is located above or nearby to maintain maximum heat. If some pipes are located in an unheated garage trying wrapping them. Local hardware or building supply stores offer appropriate pipe wrapping materials. When bathroom and kitchen pipes run along an exterior wall, trying allowing additional heat to circulate near the pipes. This means keeping vanity […]
History of Milton
“MILTON, only 7 miles from the Delaware Bay in a direct line but many more by the convoluted Broadkill, is one of the little old Delaware towns that prospered through shipbuilding and shipping in the 19 century. The shipyards have long ago disappeared from the foot of Union and Federal Streets… The business section displays a rare lot of the permanent store awnings, wood or metal roofed, that was used to shade the sidewalk in front of nearly every store in lower Delaware, but have disappeared from main streets. The old part of the town contains many old cypress-shingled houses characteristic of eastern Sussex County.” From Delaware – A Guide to the First State, American Guide Series, 1938 “MILTON – Classic example of life in a small historic town. Extensive Victorian home district in relatively rural area. Its ice cream parlor (King´s Ice Cream at Union and Broad Street, the […]
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Roadshow
Below is an attachment of the Freedom of Information Act Roadshow presentation given by Deputy Attorney General Edward Black December 8, 2014. Overview: Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act Open Records Provisions What documents must be made available for public inspection? Open Meeting Provisions What meetings and discussions must be open to the public? Education (effective July 1, 2015) AG to publish biennially a FOIA coordinator manual, hold annual training seminar and publish on a website all FOIA opinions and summaries thereof. Full PDF here: FOIA Road Show – Milton
Milton town clerk named Delaware’s Clerk of the Year
Kristy Rogers earns recognition for public service By Maddy Lauria | Oct 06, 2014 MILTON — When Milton Town Clerk Kristy Rogers was appointed to take over town manager duties a year ago, she didn’t do it for the recognition. Her hard work has paid off, though, as she earned the title of Clerk of the Year Sept. 23 at the Delaware League of Local Governments’ annual meeting in Dover. “Mrs. Rogers is a poster child for public service,” Milton Mayor Marion Jones wrote in her nomination letter. Prior to serving as the town clerk, a position she assumed at the departure of former Town Manager Win Abbott, Rogers worked as the town’s general accounting clerk. She holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Wilmington College, now Wilmington University. Rogers wasn’t expecting the nomination, and she said her heart began to race when she heard her name called during the award […]
Delaware Beach Life, featured Milton in “Home-Style History”
In the July issue of Delaware Beach Life, Milton was featured in “Home-Style History”: Excerpt: Situated on the banks of the Broadkill River, Milton is not unlike most old towns. Its history is rich, and various industries — from shipping and shipbuilding to button-making and canning —shaped its demographics, culture and architecture. What is special about Milton, named after English poet John Milton in 1807, is its eclectic assortment of homes and buildings, reflecting centuries of varying architectural styles. “We have an incredibly wide variety of architecture for such a small town,” says Allison Schell, executive director of the Milton Historical Society & Museum. “You can literally walk down the street and see two or three completely different architectural styles in one block.” Click Home-Style History to view the article.
Choose Milton
Town of Milton “Start a Business” Process The Town of Milton is undergoing a transformation and business owners are beginning to view Milton as a place of growth and opportunity. There are prime available storefronts located in the heart of the downtown for a variety of businesses. As a result, the Town has documented the process to start a new business in the Town of Milton. This effort was undertaken to help new business owners who want to establish a business in Milton understand what their roles and responsibilities are as well as other involved agencies/committees/organizations. The process can be found on our printable forms page. This process is meant to be a roadmap for new business owners. Naturally every business application is different so some steps in the process may be applicable and others not. This process is to be used as a tool by the new business owner […]
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
The Town of Milton has completed the Annual Water Quality Report for the calendar year of 2012. This report provides answers to questions such as “Where does our water come from?” and “How do I get involved?”. The Town of Milton had no drinking water violations related to contaminants monitored by federal and state requirements. We are proud that our drinking water meets or exceeds all standards. Your drinking water is tested 365 day a year! The report in its entirety can be found on the following four PDF files: 2012 Consumer Confidence Report p1 2012 Consumer Confidence Report p2 2012 Consumer Confidence Report p3 2012 Consumer Confidence Report p4
Homecoming in Milton…in West of Scotland!
A special invitation has been extended by Stuart McMillan, Member of the Scottish Parliament. Homecoming Scotland 2014 promises to be great affair! Excerpt: I write to you as your town shares its name with Milton, within the West of Scotland which I represent. Scotland’s 2009 year of homecoming was a great success, and so the year 2014 has been designated by the Scottish Government and its agencies as the next year of Homecoming in Scotland. Homecoming Scotland 2014 aims to motivate the Scottish diaspora, as well as those who simply love Scotland, to “come home” in 2014 and take part in an inspirational celebration of the very best of Scotland’s food and drink, fantastic active and natural resources, creativity, and cultural and ancestral heritage… To read the full letter click here.
Delmarva Power Schedules Electric Reliability Improvements
Residents of Atlantic Street (between Federal Street and Front Street), Chestnut Street (between Rt. 5 and Chandler Street) and Mulberry Street (between H.O. Brittingham Street and Federal Street) will see Delmarva Power and contractors working on the poles and lines in their neighborhood starting this week. The work is designed to improve the reliability of your service. Delmarva Power electric reliability improvements in Milton area Beginning in late April 2013, Delmarva Power will begin electric reliability improvements in the Town of Milton with projected completion by the end of the year. These upgrades on the Delmarva Power overhead electric distribution system are designed to improve electric service for customers in the area and will occur along Atlantic, Chestnut and Mulberry Streets. This reliability project will be handled by Delmarva Power’s contract crews from Utility Lines Construction Services, Inc. Work will occur during normal daytime business hours. We will attempt to […]